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Save the dateOctober 10, 20249:00 AM - 3:30 PM (PDT) Add to Calendar
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Riverside Convention Center

3637 Fifth Street
Riverside, California

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Contact Person: Drisha Melton
Event Details
Event Details

You are cordially invited to join the California Public Utilities Commission for the following events:

October 10, 2024:

9:00 AM to 3:30 PM

Join the 22nd Annual General Order 156 Supplier Diversity En Banc from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM.

At the CPUC's Supplier Diversity En Banc's public forum listen to leaders of the California's investor-owned utilities discuss their supplier diversity programs and contracting opportunities. You will also hear from the local government, ethnic Chambers of Commerce, community-based organizations, Community Choice Aggregators, prime suppliers and subcontractors.

Public comments related to the Supplier Diversity Program will be held at the end of the program. This event is free to public!

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Join us for the Post En Banc Social Hour from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM, providing valuable networking opportunities.

This event will be held at the Riverside Convention Center, on the first floor, in the outdoor Plaza. Don't miss this chance to connect with industry peers and leaders. These events are free to the public!

We look forward to your participation!

California Public Utilities Commission

  • 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

    Opening Remarks

    Opening Remarks

    Alice Reynolds, President, CPUC
    Darcie L. Houck, Commissioner, CPUC
    John Reynolds, Commissioner, CPUC
    Karen Douglas, Commissioner, CPUC
    Matthew Baker, Commissioner, CPUC
    Steven Bradford, 35th District, Senator

    9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

    Summary of Utility Supplier Diversity Performance

    Summary of Utility Supplier Diversity Performance

    Stephanie Green – Supplier Diversity Manager, News and Outreach Office, CPUC

    10:00 AM - 10:50 AM

    PANEL 1: The Diverse Community Panel

    PANEL 1: The Diverse Community Panel

    Expanding outreach and procurement success through technology and innovative services.
    Moderator: Darcie Houck, Commissioner, CPUC


    Frank Montes, Chairman, Hispanic Coalition of Small Business (Confirmed)
    Rebecca Aguilera-Gardiner, CEO, Veterans in Business (VIB) Network – (Confirmed)
    Ahmad Holmes, Chief Operating Officer, California African American Chamber of Commerce
    Philip DeVliegher, Vice President Supplier Diversity, Disability:IN (Confi...
    Expanding outreach and procurement success through technology and innovative services.
    Moderator: Darcie Houck, Commissioner, CPUC


    Frank Montes, Chairman, Hispanic Coalition of Small Business (Confirmed)
    Rebecca Aguilera-Gardiner, CEO, Veterans in Business (VIB) Network – (Confirmed)
    Ahmad Holmes, Chief Operating Officer, California African American Chamber of Commerce
    Philip DeVliegher, Vice President Supplier Diversity, Disability:IN (Confirmed)
    Tracy Stanhoff, President, American Indian Chamber of Commerce –(Confirmed)
    Jay Ungos, President & Founder, Small Business Diversity Network – (Confirmed)
    Patrick Kirkwood, Executive Director, Los Angeles LGBTQ Chamber Commerce. (Confirmed)
    Janice Greene, President/CEO, WBEC Pacific – (Confirmed)
    view more

    10:50 AM - 10:55 AM



    10:55 AM - 11:35 AM

    PANEL 2: Supplier Panel

    PANEL 2: Supplier Panel

    Implementing innovative solutions to maximize supplier efficiency and drive client success.
    Moderator: Alice Reynolds, President, CPUC
    Zach Sasser, Vice President, Pro Energy Services – (Confirmed)
    Sherry Shafiei, Chief Executive Officer, Shift Diverse Business Solutions - (Confirmed)
    Lucy M. Labruzzo, President & Chief Executive Officer, The Engineering Partners Inc. - (Confirmed)
    Christopher Mills, President of Union Operations, Primoris Power Delivery...
    Implementing innovative solutions to maximize supplier efficiency and drive client success.
    Moderator: Alice Reynolds, President, CPUC
    Zach Sasser, Vice President, Pro Energy Services – (Confirmed)
    Sherry Shafiei, Chief Executive Officer, Shift Diverse Business Solutions - (Confirmed)
    Lucy M. Labruzzo, President & Chief Executive Officer, The Engineering Partners Inc. - (Confirmed)
    Christopher Mills, President of Union Operations, Primoris Power Delivery - (Confirmed)
    Todd Caporal, Client Director for Energy and Utilities, World Wide Technology - (Confirmed)
    view more

    11:35 AM - 12:15 PM

    Fireside Chat

    Fireside Chat

    Moderator: Karen Douglas, CPUC, Commissioner

    James Coleman, Chief Executive Officer, Pinnacle Power Services
    Fernald Swearingen, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Innovative Consulting Concepts
    Benjamin Garcia, Chief Executive Officer, Precision Services Unit
    Elizabeth Martinez, Vice President of Business Development, Meruelo Enterprises

    12:15 PM - 1:15 PM



    Sponsored by:
    Pro Energy Services Group
    SHIFT Diverse Business Solutions
    The Engineering Partners, Inc.
    Primoris Power Delivery
    World Wide Technology

    1:15 PM - 2:00 PM

    PANEL 3: Energy Panel

    PANEL 3: Energy Panel

    Driving utility performance with supplier diversity, technology, and innovative strategies.
    Moderator: John Reynolds, Commissioner, CPUC
    Sumeet Singh, Executive Vice President, Operations and Chief Operating Officer, Pacific Gas and Electric Corporation – (Confirmed)
    Caroline Winn, Chief Executive Officer, San Diego Gas & Electric – (Confirmed)
    Steven D. Powell, President, & Chief Executive Officer, Southern California Edison – (Confirmed)
    Scott Drury, C...
    Driving utility performance with supplier diversity, technology, and innovative strategies.
    Moderator: John Reynolds, Commissioner, CPUC
    Sumeet Singh, Executive Vice President, Operations and Chief Operating Officer, Pacific Gas and Electric Corporation – (Confirmed)
    Caroline Winn, Chief Executive Officer, San Diego Gas & Electric – (Confirmed)
    Steven D. Powell, President, & Chief Executive Officer, Southern California Edison – (Confirmed)
    Scott Drury, Chief Executive Officer, Southern California Gas (Confirmed)
    Dawn Weisz, Chief Executive Officer, MCE Clean Energy (Confirmed)
    view more

    2:00 PM - 2:05 PM



    2:05 PM - 2:50 PM

    PANEL 4: Communication/Cable/Water Panel

    PANEL 4: Communication/Cable/Water Panel

    Leveraging supplier diversity and community outreach to enhance competitiveness and market relevance.

    Moderator: Matthew Baker, Commissioner, CPUC
    Kevin Tilden, President, California American Water (Confirmed)
    Olga Perelman, Senior Director, Technology Procurement, T-Mobile – (Responded waiting for confirmation of participant)
    Alexis Dennard, AVP Supplier Diversity & Sustainability, AT&T (Confirmed)
    Jesus Roman, Managing Associate Counsel and Head ...
    Leveraging supplier diversity and community outreach to enhance competitiveness and market relevance.

    Moderator: Matthew Baker, Commissioner, CPUC
    Kevin Tilden, President, California American Water (Confirmed)
    Olga Perelman, Senior Director, Technology Procurement, T-Mobile – (Responded waiting for confirmation of participant)
    Alexis Dennard, AVP Supplier Diversity & Sustainability, AT&T (Confirmed)
    Jesus Roman, Managing Associate Counsel and Head of Regulatory, Verizon – (Confirmed)
    Bob Zook, Vice President, Procurement Field Operations, Charter
    view more

    2:50 PM - 3:20 PM

    Public Comments

    Public Comments

    3:20 PM - 3:30 PM

    Closing Remarks

    Closing Remarks

    Alice Reynolds, President, CPUC
    Darcie L. Houck, Commissioner, CPUC
    John Reynolds, Commissioner, CPUC
    Karen Douglas, Commissioner, CPUC
    Matthew Baker, Commissioner, CPUC
    Steven Bradford, 35th District, Senator

    3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

    Social Hour Networking

    Social Hour Networking

Sponsors and Partners
Sponsors and Partners

CPUC Supplier Diversity En Banc - October 10, 2024 (9:00 am - 3:30 pm)

Join CPUC for a free public forum and listen to the leaders of the California’s investor-owned utilities discuss their supplier diversity programs and contracting opportunities. You will also hear from the local government officials, ethnic Chambers of Commerce, community-based organizations, Community Choice Aggregators and primes and subcontractors within the utility space. This event is free to the public.


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Contact Us
Contact Us

For questions related to the CPUC Supplier Diversity En Banc, please contact

Drisha Melton at

For questions related to the registration system and app, please contact